Charity Golf Tournament
June 21st 2024
At Tom O'Leary Golf Course
1200 N Washington St #1
Bismarck, ND 58501
Check-in: 10:00am
Shotgun starts 11:00am
Best Ball Golf Scramble

Golf Tournament
Join us for this fun event while supporting mental health services for children as well as the Moose Charities.
Proceeds from the event will go to support The Round Table Non-Profit Organization and in addition Bismarck Moose Lodge will give matching raised funds to the Moose Charities.

Registering or Supporting
the Event

To get registered as a player/team or to become a sponsor complete the appropriate form below. All checks can be made out to Bismarck Moose Lodge. Checks and completed forms can be mailed or dropped off at
The Kid's Therapy Center
1701 S 12th St, Bismarck ND 58504
Attn: Jody Hugelen
Your support helps many. Thank you for your support.